I'm not going to tell you what. You'll find out. Oh yes.
To organise my thoughts, here are lists I made of things I like and dislike in fiction. If you've a similar list, feel free to share it.
Stuff I Like:
1) Kick-Ass Heroines
2) Metatext
3) Lots of Implied History
4) Fantasy Not Based on Medieval Europe
6) Old Wise Mentors (Who Live)
7) Steampunk (or Dieselpunk or Atompunk)
8) Robots of Some Sort
9) Superheroes
10) Sense of Larger World/Universe
Stuff I Don’t Like:
1) Too Stupid to Live Hero/ines
2) Gratuitous Romance
3) Mystical Wishy-Washiness
4) Monolithic Cultures
5) Strawmen
6) Being Bashed Over the Head with the Author’s Message
7) Emo-ness
8) Vampires (Unless They’re Really Frickin’ Scary)
9) Excess of Pointless Tragedy
10) Psychics (Unless They’re River Tam or the Doctor)
Metatext? Narrative read over?