Thursday, August 26, 2010

3-Day Novel Contest?

I am thinking of participating in the 3-Day Novel Contest on Labour Day weekend, albeit on an unofficial basis. (Why unofficial? Because hoo boy, fifty dollar entry fee.)

Now, some of you might have had a look-see at Underground, which is the result of last year's efforts. Truthfully, I finished on the fourth day, because I fell asleep at the keyboard on the third. This was partly due to working a proper job on said third day, but anyway.

Should I do this again? Would you like me to do this again? How many cups of coffee do you think I'll swallow down during this time? Please, give your thoughts!


  1. Do it. I have seen the goodness and wonders of 3 day novelling. I wish to see more!! (don't peek, you)

  2. I'll give it a go, then. After all, if Batgirl can do it three times in a row, I sure as heck can!
